Menstrual Cycle

By Cicle Health on 27 Jul, 2022
Menstrual Cycle

A menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period, and starts all over when your next period begins. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but cycles between 24 and 28 days are considered normal. Menstruation is a woman’s monthly bleeding, what you often call your “period.” When you menstruate, your body discards the monthly buildup of the lining of your uterus. The blood flows from your uterus through your cervix and passes out through your vagina. This bleeding typically last between 3-7 days.

The uterus lining builds to prepare for pregnancy , and when pregnancy doesn't occur, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels starts to fall. This low level of the estrogen and progesterone tell your body to begin menstruation.

The menstrual cycle is the monthly cycle the female body  go through to prepare for pregnancy. Menstrual cycle is counted from the very first day of your period, to the first day of your next period(the amount of days that leads to is your menstrual cycle). The level of your hormones, changes throughout the menstrual cycle and can cause menstrual symptoms. Symptoms includes tender breasts, cramps, nausea, fatigue etc.


Ovulation occurs when the ovary releases an egg. A woman is most likely to get pregnant if she has unprotected sex in the three days before and up to the day of ovulation. Sperm can live for 3 to 5 days in the body of a woman, but a woman’s egg lives for just 12 to 24 hours after ovulation.


Keeping track of your menstrual cycle will help you prepare for your period and even ovulation. You can track your menstrual cycle by marking the day you start your period on a calendar. Do this for a few months, after a few months, check to see if your periods are regular or if your cycles are different each month.

You can also record your symptoms, eg Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms: which includes cramping, headaches, moodiness, forgetfulness, bloating, or breast tenderness. Or your period symptoms. If you have pain or heavier than normal bleeding

Asides using your calendar, you can download a period tracker app like CICLE to keep track of your menstrual cycle.

SheResolved Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.