Recognizing an Anxiety Attack

By Cicle Health on 27 Jul, 2022
Recognizing an Anxiety Attack

Anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder that causes a feeling of dread and worry over a particular situation or event. Everyone feels fear and worry sometimes. You might worry about a test score, or even feel scared about making some particular decisions.  An anxiety disorder comes with a crippling and irrational fear, and it is beyond the fear and worry you might feel from time to time.  Anxiety can make it difficult to get through the day—the symptoms make it hard to function, since your mind is in disarray. You will often overreact when something triggers your emotions and you will find it had to keep your emotions in check.

Some of the physical symptoms below are associated with anxiety disorder.

  • Nausea
  • Sweating even in a cold environment
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid breaths
  • Fast or irregular heartbeats
  • Feeling of dread
  • Chest pain

There are different types of anxiety disorders, which includes:

  • PHOBIAS: Phobias are intense and sometimes unreasonable fear of certain things, animals, events etc. What makes it unreasonable is that the level and intensity of the fear doesn't match the situation. For example, if you have a phobia for clowns— seeing a clown can cause you to pass out. Some types of phobias include
  • AGORAPHOBIA: Fear of crowds or open spaces
  • CLAUSTROPHOBIA: Fear of small spaces
  • GAMOPHOBIA: Fear of marriage
  • HEMOPHOBIA: Fear of blood
  • PANIC ATTACKS: Panic attacks are intense form of an anxiety disorder, they are often triggered by certain emotions or situations. When someone is suffering from a panic attack, the person starts to lose control of the body. As the heartbeat increases, the person starts to feel pain in the chest area, have blurry vision, feel dizzy and experience intense shaking. People who suffer from panic disorders tend to avoid places that can trigger their panic attacks.
  • GENERALIZED ANXIETY: This is probably the most common. People with generalized anxiety disorder often worry about so many things; school, work, marriage,finances, Children etc. These worries become intense and hard to keep in control, popping up in the middle of activities— there by making it hard to get through the day.
  • SOCIAL ANXIETY: People with social anxiety disorder tend to have extreme fear when they are in a social setting. Because of the fear of being judged by other people, they have troubles meeting with new people, or might come off as shy or unresponsive. They find it difficult to thrive in places where they have to interact with people. Places like work and school.
  • Intense fear and worry are the main symptoms of an anxiety disorder. People with an anxiety disorder are often on medications that help manage their symptoms. Counseling is also recommended because they are taught how to manage their emotions and prevent attacks.

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